it might abuse the current limits of the Arduino output causing unwanted issues like heating, destroying the pin or overall failure because that pin is taking power away from the other Arduino functions (there is detailed information about this if you know how to search for it, I'm not making this up). Most relays need too much current to work, so you might face wiring things and not getting the relay activated due to not having enough current, plus, if you get it activated. :/ Yes I can see some people being happy with this approach and some others unhappy, complaining about this not being the right way to do it, yes you shouldn't connect a relay directly to the signal pin, agreed, why? Yes, I'm NOT experiencing any laser-on when connecting the machine, so this is a very safe approach in general. The relay turns on when I send the "turn on" signal, and so my laser works as expected. I'm using a low powered relay directly connected to the signal pin and GND on the CNC shield, yes it works.
Now what I did and works perfectly for me: (details after the brief explanation) But let's be clear on something: yes, the initial problem is the laser would work the opposite way as expected, that's it in general and if you take the time to search: you will find lots of forum discussions and complains, including the supposed method of twisting or changing some pins (hardware).
Arduino relay shield 230v software#
I said two possible approaches but there are more, those two are the ones that sound best for me (you could google the software editing hack on the GRBL) but I didn't like the other options because they involve more changes, I like simple things like just updating the GRBL any time I want to (without worrying on edited code) so you could google that yourself. You could control your laser with the transistor using reverse logic, or you could use the transistor along with the relay and control your laser in order to have "laser on = laser on", simple as that. Yes, it sucks that the laser will get activated when the pin doesn't send a signal, it's all upside down. Well, a relay having 3 connections (Open and Close) means you could take the easy path and connect your laser the opposite way, meaning it will get power when the relay is off, that should do it, right? the problem with this is the laser will turn on when you connect your machine (about 3 seconds) and then it will go off, well that's a small price to pay but that's not the best approach, it's just not safe.

The problem here is things work opposed as they should, meaning when you turn OFF the laser via software controller: the relay gets activated and when you turn on the laser, the relay gets deactivated. Using an Arduino Relay Module, this thing has 3 cables, +/- and signal. I won't go into details due to the variety of setups possible in this context.īefore posting what I did (that works for me as expected), let's talk about two possible solutions. Now keep in mind there are diff versions of the CNC shield and there are several diff versions of GRBL for Arduino, you will easily find lots of different forum posts on the problem and diff supposed solutions depending on the version of each of those, along with many comments stating " hey, this doesn't work", because there are pin changes made on diff GRBL versions, so long story: it's a big salad. The wiring should take place using a RELAY connected to + and -, and the third cable to the signal pin (SPN-EN), yes, it should be that easy on simple laser setups, but it doesn't work that way. The CNC software and shield should turn on and off the laser getting on and off signals from the respective pins. While I will describe in detail what I did (at the end of the post), I won't cover in same detail the many variants of the problem given the different versions of the shield and GRBL software (for Arduino) considering the many supposed "hacks" (that actually don't work or do so partially).įirst: how this is supposed/expected to work. Yes there is something weird going on with the setup. Built a few laser cutters a while ago using Arduino and the CNC Shield, and I'm building a new one, same hardware. I will describe in detail how I got it working.